Over the years, millions of people living across the world face a variety of access barriers to good healthcare services, especially those living in rural communities.
Apart from government fallouts in providing adequate healthcare manpower and facilities for the masses, there are other factors that contribute to the poor access to healthcare including; lack of financial means to pay for services, health information such as health insurance, means to reach and use services, such as transportation to services that may be located at a distance, trust that the services will provide quality result compared to their already embraced traditional methods.

To achieve a world where sufficient access and appropriate healthcare service is available to all, Medical Aid Trust exists to directly reach and support vulnerable people to confidently access health services such as primary and emergency care, eye care, dental care, maternal care and public health services.


We harness evidence-based Research in developing possible solutions, strategies and policies that will aid advocacy and implementation of projects towards increasing access to quality healthcare.


While in the process of conducting comprehensive medical outreaches across numerous communities, we Identify and profile those in dire need of medical assistance irrespective of their culture, religion, gender, or socio-political stance, providing them with quality healthcare support, we also educate and sensitize them on pressing public health issues.


At Medical Aid Trust, we set up mobile and stationary healthcare posts to deliver emergency aid and help Save those living in most vulnerable communities and in places affected by armed conflict, outbreak of epidemic, and natural disaster.


It is also part of our programs to Train and build capacities for medical practitioners, healthcare development stakeholders and our volunteers on up-to-date healthcare practices that will ensure health equity.